Materials and Structures 45 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 8 , N° 45 Année: 1975 |
Vue d'ensemble sur les théorèmes énergétiques concernant les corps déformables Author(s): A. Çakiroglu |
Pages: 165 - 172 |
Verification of relationships between mechanical properties of concrete-like materials Author(s): S. Popovics |
Pages: 183 - 191 |
Shrinkage of concrete as affected by size Author(s): D. Campbell, D.F. Rogers |
Pages: 193 - 202 |
Durability of steel embedded in structural lightweight concrete Author(s): A.K. Bandyopadhyay, R.N. Swamy |
Pages: 203 - 210 |
Méthodes d'essai des bétons cellulaires / Testing methods of aerated concrete Author(s): RILEM TC ? |
Pages: 211 - 233 |
Fibre reinforcement of cement and concrete Author(s): R.N. Swamy, RILEM TC 19-FRC |
Pages: 235 - 254 |
Comparison of different consistency values Author(s): K. Wesche, RILEM TC 14-CPC |
Pages: 255 - 255 |