Materials and Structures 66 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 11 , N° 66 Année: 1978 |
Medium term observation of shiprepair and shipbuilding docks Author(s): J.A.E. Marecos, J.A. Fernandes |
Pages: 387 - 399 |
Study of an operating characteristic function of the sampling inspection plan of concrete lots Author(s): Q.M. Guedes, M.O.L. Souza |
Pages: 401 - 406 |
Investigation on chemical prestressing in pressure reinforced concrete pipes Author(s): U. Casti, E. Pozzo |
Pages: 407 - 413 |
Practical prediction of time-dependent deformations of concrete. Part III: Drying creep. Part IV: Temperature effect on basic creep Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, L. Panula |
Pages: 415 - 434 |
Strength and deformation characteristics of an acrylic polymer-cement composite Author(s): P.S. Mangat |
Pages: 435 - 443 |
Testing methods of timber in structural sizes Author(s): RILEM TC / CIB-3TT |
Pages: 445 - 452 |
Rapport final de la Commission 20-TBS sur les essais in situ des structures / Final report of 20-TBS Committee on testing building structures in situ Author(s): RILEM TC 20-TBS |
Pages: 457 - 475 |