Materials and Structures 76 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 13 , N° 76 Année: 1980 |
Thermal stress fracture of solar control window panes caused by shading of incident radiation Author(s): Y.W. Mai, L.J.S. Jacob |
Pages: 283 - 288 |
A mathematical model of the deformational behaviour of concrete under generalised stress based on fundamental material properties Author(s): M.D. Kotsovos |
Pages: 289 - 298 |
Confinement effect in flexural ductility on concrete Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, M.C. Burrow |
Pages: 299 - 308 |
New method to reduce pavements cracking Author(s): D. Bynum Jr. |
Pages: 309 - 314 |
Contribution à l'étude de l'efficacité des vibrateurs internes Author(s): A. Lassalle, C. Legrand |
Pages: 315 - 322 |