Life cycle assessment of building elements from the broad perspective of planners design-considerations
Title: Life cycle assessment of building elements from the broad perspective of planners design-considerations
Author(s): C. Deilmann, K. Gruhler
Paper category : conference
Book title: International Symposium on Intergrated Life-Cycle Design of Materials and Structures
Editor(s): A. Sarja
Print-ISBN: 951-758-408-3
e-ISBN: 235158029X
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2000
Pages: 20 - 25
Total Pages: 6
Nb references: 9
Language: English
Abstract: The ecological evaluation of building elements has to deal with uncertainties in knowledge and application. The complexity imposed by al1 the different demands on building elements and the different perspective of builders, ptanners and producers impede the development of just one specific information and evaluation mode1 to cover al1 the different perspectives. The research carried out at the lnstitute of Ecological and Regional Development in Dresden wanted to find out how far the Life-Cycle-Assessment (LCA) is suitable for the evaluation of building elements and how far modifications are necessary. ln the study, the overall methodical framework was developed towards a specific assessment-method for building
elements. It became obvious, that the result of an ordinary input-output LCA is in some way or the other usefull to the planner, but in oder to support decision-making, the evaluation-method must include furthermore economical, functional, technical and health aspects.
Online publication: 2000-04-30
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/235158029X.005
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