Building materials for 'X' life times
Title: Building materials for 'X' life times
Author(s): B. J. H. Te Dorsthorst, A. L. A. Fraaij, CH. F. Hendriks
Paper category : conference
Book title: International Symposium on Intergrated Life-Cycle Design of Materials and Structures
Editor(s): A. Sarja
Print-ISBN: 951-758-408-3
e-ISBN: 235158029X
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2000
Pages: 149 - 154
Total Pages: 6
Nb references: 9
Language: English
Abstract: The production of construction and demolition waste in the Netherlands is about 15 million tonnes each year. There are three different ways of reusing: reusing the construction, the elements and recycling the material. Furthermore the materials can be recycled (reuse in the own cycle) and downcycled (reuse in another cycle). About 80-90% of this waste in the Netherlands is being reused, for the main part as a road base material. The policy of the Dutch government aims at reuse of this construction and demolition waste in its own cycle, at the highest possible level.
Therefor a flexible order for the treatment of construction and demolition waste is developed; the so-called Delft Ladder. This Delfi ladder is a toolbox with 2 different items. Firstly 10 blocks (the 10 reuse options), and secondly calculation models which can fix the order.
These methods are the Life Cycle Assessment-method, The Eco-cost Value Ratio and the a new developed Degradation Factor.
Controlled reuse of materials, on technical, economical en ecological aspects, over and over again becomes possible with these methods.
Online publication: 2000-04-30
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/235158029X.027
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