Proceedings pro015 : Fifth RILEM Symposium on Fibre-Reinforced Concretes (FRC) BEFIB' 2000 Lyon, France (2000)
Title: Fifth RILEM Symposium on Fibre-Reinforced Concretes (FRC) BEFIB' 2000 Lyon, France (2000) Edited by P. Rossi and G. Chanvillard ISBN: 2-912143-18-7 e-ISBN: 291214373X Pages: 810 Publication date: 2000 |
BEFIB'2000 is the fifth international symposium held on fibre-reinforced concretes and has been organised under the aegis of RILEM. This symposium aims at highlighting industrial applications along with what could be qualified as the technological aspects.
It should also be considered as a turn-of-the-century assessment of our current state of knowledge regarding fibre-reinforced concretes and an opportunity to forge strategies for further advances.
For these reasons, researchers, academics, designers, practitioners, engineers, heads of construction companies and concrete industry firms, architects, and project supervisors are concerned by the topics of BEFIB'2000.
These topics are:
* mix-design and placement
* structural and industrial applications
* physico-chemical properties
* mechanical properties
* design methods and modelling
* durability
* high and ultra-high performances fibre reinforced cement composites
Preface Author(s): P. Rossi |
Pages: XIV - XVII |
Invited lectures
FRC for sustainable infrastructure regeneration and rehabilitation Author(s): R. Narayan Swamy |
Pages: 3 - 18 |
BEFIM: the French National Project for the industrial development of metal fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): R. Lacroix, P. Rossi |
Pages: 19 - 27 |
Characterisation of fibre reinforced concrete mechanical properties: a review Author(s): G. Chanvillard |
Pages: 29 - 50 |
Design method for steel fiber reinforced concrete proposed by RILEM TC 162-TDF Author(s): L. Vandewalle |
Pages: 51 - 64 |
Fiber reinforcements for concrete: looking back, looking ahead Author(s): A.E. Namaan |
Pages: 65 - 86 |
Ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concretes (UHPFRC): an overview Author(s): P. Rossi |
Pages: 87 - 100 |
Part one: Mix design and placing
Mix design analysis on steel fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): A.D. de Figueiredo, N.L. Nunes, J. Tanesi |
Pages: 103 - 118 |
Mix design for SFRC bridge deck construction Author(s): B. Massicotte, G. Degrange, N. Dzeletovic |
Pages: 119 - 128 |
Mix design of very high strength steel fibre reinforced concrete (VHS SFRC) for tunnel liner Author(s): C. Hu, P. Casanova, F. Delalande |
Pages: 129 - 138 |
Hybrid fibers in high performances extruded cement composites Author(s): A. Peled, M. Cyr, S.P. Shah |
Pages: 139 - 147 |
Rebound reduction in steel fiber reinforced dry-mix shotcrete through matrix modifications Author(s): V. Bindiganavile, N. Banthia |
Pages: 149 - 157 |
Methods for assessment of uniformity in carbon fibre dispersions in cementitious materials Author(s): P. Stroeven, Z. Shui, Y. Cheng |
Pages: 159 - 168 |
Part two: Structural applications
Tunnel precast segments: an SFRC alternative? Author(s): F. Toutlemonde, M. Quiertant, S. Dubroca, P. Rossi, F. Petit, S. Bernard |
Pages: 171 - 180 |
Panneaux prefabriqués de façades en béton de sable renforcé de fibre de fonte amorphe Author(s): G. Chanvillard, G. Giraudon, O. Roque |
Pages: 181 - 192 |
Fibre reinforced concrete: a structural perspective Author(s): B. Massicotte, P.H. Bischoff |
Pages: 193 - 202 |
Plaques de tirants d'ancrage en BPR pour terre armée Author(s): D. Tournette, J.-L. Pégon, A. Stefanni, J. Dugat |
Pages: 203 - 212 |
Effect of steel macro fibers on cracking of thin concrete repairs Author(s): O. Laurence, B. Bissonnette, M. Pigeon, P. Rossi |
Pages: 213 - 222 |
FRC piles earthquake behaviour Author(s): F. Buyle-Bodin, M. Madhkhan |
Pages: 223 - 232 |
FRHPC precast roof elements: from constitutive to structural behaviour in bending Author(s): M. di Prisco, R. Felicetti, F. Iorio |
Pages: 233 - 242 |
Flexural behavior of high performance fiber-reinforced prestressed concrete beams Author(s): G. Rosati, G.L. Guerrini |
Pages: 243 - 252 |
Design criteria for structural use of fibre-reinforced concrete in prestressed precast roof elements Author(s): C. Failla, L. Astori, G. Toniolo, L. Ferrara |
Pages: 253 - 262 |
Analysis and design of SFRC bridge decks Author(s): B. Massicotte, A. Bélanger, K. Moffatt |
Pages: 263 - 272 |
Innovation: steel fibre concrete for jointless rail tracks Author(s): H. Falkner, V. Henke |
Pages: 273 - 279 |
Investigation of fibre-reinforced thin repairs of concrete slabs or road pavements Author(s): A.M. Brandt, J.-L. Granju, A. Wysokowski, M.A. Glinicki, A. Turatsinze, A. Zurawicka, A. Toumi |
Pages: 281 - 290 |
Structural application of steel fibre as principal reinforcing: conditions - design - examples Author(s): X. Destrée |
Pages: 291 - 301 |
Part three: Design methods and modelling
Design of steel fibre reinforced concrete slabs on grade Author(s): J. Silfwerbrand |
Pages: 305 - 314 |
A fracture mechanics based design approach to FRC Author(s): H. Stang, J.F. Olesen |
Pages: 315 - 324 |
Calcul des contraintes de retrait gêné par frottement dans les dallages: influence des fibres vis à vis des risques de fissuration Author(s): C. Feron, G. Chanvillard |
Pages: 325 - 336 |
Designing FRC slabs on grade for temperature and shrinkage induced cracks Author(s): J.F. Olesen, H. Stang |
Pages: 337 - 346 |
Torsional behaviour of fibre-reinforced concrete beams Author(s): R. Cerioni, D. Ferretti, Ivo Iori |
Pages: 347 - 356 |
Non-local damage analysis of three-point bending tests on SFRC notched beams Author(s): L. Ferrara, R. Gettu |
Pages: 357 - 367 |
Deformational properties of fiber reinforced concrete under unaxial tension and shear Author(s): T. Tsubaki, S. Sumitro, T. Arai |
Pages: 369 - 378 |
Mechanisms of micro-reinforcement in cementitious materials Author(s): P. Pierre, R. Pleau, M. Pigeon |
Pages: 379 - 388 |
Testing and modelling pan FRC plates damaged by impact loads Author(s): E. Cartapati, N. Nisticò |
Pages: 389 - 398 |
Post-peak fatigue behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete Author(s): S. Cangiano, G.A. Plizzari, P. Colosio |
Pages: 399 - 408 |
Behavior of FRC under uniaxial tension Author(s): S. Marfia, E. Sacco, H. Stang |
Pages: 409 - 418 |
Modelling of fibre dispersions in cementitious systems Author(s): P. Stroeven |
Pages: 419 - 428 |
Part four: Mechanical properties
Uniaxial stress-strain relationship of cementitious composites - A review Author(s): X. Hu, R. Day |
Pages: 431 - 440 |
A comparative study of the toughness of steel fiber reinforced concrete in tensions, flexure and shear Author(s): B. Barragán, R. Gettu, R.F. Zalochi, M.A. Martín, L. Agulló |
Pages: 441 - 450 |
Flexural-shear interaction in high strength fibre reinforced concrete beams Author(s): G. Campione, L. La Mendola, G. Zingone |
Pages: 451 - 460 |
Monotonic and cyclic flexural behaviour of medium and high strength fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): G. Campione, S. Mindess, N. Banthia |
Pages: 461 - 470 |
Development and application of high performance hybrid fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): N. Banthia, C. Yan, V. Bindiganavile |
Pages: 471 - 480 |
Experimental investigation on lightweight fibre reinforced concrete with hooked steel fibres Author(s): G. Campione, N. Miraglia, M. Papia |
Pages: 481 - 490 |
Fracture properties and acoustic emission response of hybrid polypropylene-steel fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): C. Qian, P. Stroeven, D.H. Dalhuisen, A. Moczko |
Pages: 491 - 500 |
Concrete reinforced by low volume content of short glass fibers Author(s): Y. Cheng, P. Stroeven, X. Peng, R. Gao |
Pages: 501 - 509 |
Delayed behaviour of cracked SFRC beams Author(s): J.-L. Granju, P. Rossi, G. Chanvillard, B. Mesureur, A. Turatsinze, H. Farhat, C. Boulay, J.-J. Serrano, P. Fakhri, O. Roque, P. Rivillon |
Pages: 511 - 520 |
Mechanical behavior of fibre reinforced high performance concrete after exposure to high temperatures Author(s): S.Y.N. Chan, X. Luo, W. Sun |
Pages: 521 - 529 |
Fracture of fibre reinforced concrete notched beams under impact loading Author(s): P. Sukontasukkul, S. Mindess, N. Banthia |
Pages: 531 - 539 |
Creep and shrinkage of steel fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): J. Krátký, K. Trtík, J. Spura |
Pages: 541 - 545 |
Cracking behaviour of steel microfibres reinforced cement pastes Author(s): M. Shink, R. Pleau, M. Pigeon, R. Gagné |
Pages: 547 - 556 |
Cementitious materials under uniaxial loads Author(s): L. Biolzi, A. Meda, G. Rosati, G.L. Guerrini |
Pages: 557 - 566 |
Bond and splitting in high performance fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): S. Cattaneo, G. Rosati |
Pages: 567 - 576 |
Experimental behaviour of high strength fiber concrete beams under cyclic and alternated loadings Author(s): L. Daniel, A. Loukili, J. Lamirault |
Pages: 577 - 586 |
Tensile stress distribution model for cement composites reinforced by short fiber Author(s): K. Yamada, H. Mihashi |
Pages: 587 - 596 |
Influence of fracture toughness of matrix on the ductibility of fiber reinforced cementitious composites Author(s): H. Mihashi, A. Kawamata, Y. Kaneko, K. Kirikoshi |
Pages: 597 - 606 |
Influence of polypropylene fibres on the homogeneity of results of properties of fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): K. Trtík |
Pages: 607 - 611 |
Tests on composite material reinforced by steel wool or steel straw fibres Author(s): C.E. de Siqueira Tango |
Pages: 613 - 622 |
Ageing effect on post-crack behavior of SFRC Author(s): J. Sustersic, V. Ukrainczyk, A. Zajc, A. Sajna |
Pages: 623 - 631 |
Comparison of tension stiffening for plain and steel fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): P.H. Bischoff |
Pages: 633 - 641 |
Properties of FRC with modified cellulose fibres Author(s): W. Pichór, M. Petri, J. Déjà |
Pages: 643 - 652 |
Part five: Durability
Durability of sisal fibre reinforced mortar composites Author(s): R.D. Tolêdo Filho, K. Ghavami, G.L. England, K. Scrivener |
Pages: 655 - 664 |
Influence of carbon fibres on corrosion risks of steel bars in concrete Author(s): Z. Shui, P. Stroeven |
Pages: 665 - 670 |
Permeability study of fibers shotcrete Author(s): E. Ferrier, P. Hamelin |
Pages: 671 - 680 |
Permeability of cracked high performance fiber reinforced cement based composites Author(s): C.-M. Aldea, A. Peled, S.P. Shah |
Pages: 681 - 690 |
Size effect of reinforcement on corrosion initiation Author(s): P.S. Mangat, B.T. Molloy |
Pages: 691 - 701 |
Part six: Physical and chemical properties
Effect of the incorporation of fibers on the plastic shrinkage of concrete Author(s): J. Mora, R. Gettu, C. Olazábal, M.A. Martín, A. Aguado |
Pages: 705 - 714 |
Recent developments in glass fibre reinforced cement Author(s): D. Muller, I.J. Morrison |
Pages: 715 - 724 |
Non destructive test ffor young age characterization of projected fibers concrete Author(s): E. Ferrier, G. Lagarde, P. Hamelin |
Pages: 725 - 734 |
Microstructure and mechanical properties of composite made of well embedded AR glass fiber Author(s): D. Bonen, T.D. Tonyan |
Pages: 735 - 745 |
Part seven: High and ultra-high performance FRC
Mechanical behaviour of HPC and UHPC in direct tension at high temperature and after cooling Author(s): R. Felicetti, P.G. Gambarova, M.P. Natali Sora |
Pages: 749 - 758 |
Flexural behaviour of ultra high-performance cementitious composites reinforced with different types of steel fibres Author(s): D. Boulet, R. Pleau, P. Rougeau, R. Bodet |
Pages: 759 - 768 |
Etude du comportement à la fatigue du BPR fibré Author(s): D. Mouquet, G. Bernier, M. Behloul |
Pages: 769 - 779 |
Ductal®: new ultra high performance concretes - Damage resistance and micromechanical analysis Author(s): G. Orange, J. Dugat, P. Acker |
Pages: 781 - 790 |
Mechanical characteristics of multi-modal fiber reinforced cement based composites Author(s): Y. Sato, J.G.M. van Mier, J.C. Walraven |
Pages: 791 - 800 |
Matrix-fiber coherence of SFRHPC Author(s): L. Ay |
Pages: 801 - 809 |