Materials and Structures 98 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 17 , N° 98 Année: 1984 |
Effect of environment on the durability of plastic-based materials Author(s): A. Blaga |
Pages: 97 - 105 |
Concrete - A brittle fracturing material Author(s): M.D. Kotsovos |
Pages: 107 - 115 |
Flow and deformation of fresh concrete Author(s): J. Murata |
Pages: 117 - 129 |
An examination of two methods for studying diffusion kinetics Author(s): L.J. Parrott |
Pages: 131 - 137 |
Combined aggregates: A computer-based method to fit a desired grading Author(s): R.J. Torrent, A. Alvaredo, E. Poyard |
Pages: 139 - 144 |
Eccentrically loaded interior slab-column connections with shearhead reinforcement Author(s): D.T. Godycki |
Pages: 145 - 148 |
The effect of the longitudinal stiffness of the testing machine on the strength of hardened cement paste Author(s): S. Mindess, A. Bentur |
Pages: 149 - 155 |
General recommendation for prestressing test of prefabricated prestressed elements for concrete bridges Author(s): RILEM TC 45-LTO |
Pages: 158 - 162 |
Preliminary recommendations for long-term observation of concrete bridges Author(s): RILEM TC 45-LTO |
Pages: 162 - 166 |
Survey of the activities of 62-SCF committee on soiling and cleaning of façades Author(s): E.M. Theissing |
Pages: 167 - 172 |
Développement de microorganismes à la surface des bétons et enduits Author(s): A. Perrichet |
Pages: 173 - 177 |
XXXVIIe Réunion du Conseil Général / XXXVIIe Meeting of the General Council Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 179 - 181 |