Materials and Structures 102 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 17 , N° 102 Année: 1984 |
Effect of four coating structures on corrosion kinetics of galvanized reinforcement in concrete Author(s): J.A. Gonzalez, G. Jauregui, A.J. Vazquez, C. Andrade |
Pages: 409 - 414 |
Heat deformations of cement paste phases and the microstructure of cement paste Author(s): J. Piasta |
Pages: 415 - 420 |
Shakedown with softening in reinforced concrete beams Author(s): P. Le P. Darvall |
Pages: 421 - 426 |
A three-point test for the quality of concrete Author(s): D. Vasiliu |
Pages: 427 - 434 |
Concrete test methods. Depth of carbonation / Méthodes d'essai du béton. Profondeur de carbonation Author(s): RILEM TC 14-CPC |
Pages: 435 - 440 |
Testing methods for fibre reinforced cement based composites Author(s): RILEM TC 49-TFR |
Pages: 441 - 456 |
The hydration of tricalcium silicate. Report of RILEM Committee 68-MMH, Task Group 3 Author(s): RILEM TC 68-MMH |
Pages: 457 - 468 |
RILEM Indexes Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 471 - 505 |