Materials and Structures 106 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 18 , N° 106 Année: 1985 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 245 - 246 |
Practical prediction of cyclic humidity effect in creep and shrinkage of concrete Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, T.S. Wang |
Pages: 247 - 252 |
Ségrégation externe des bétons frais: modèle expérimental et influence des principaux facteurs Author(s): A. Lassalle, C. Legrand |
Pages: 253 - 258 |
Mercury intrusion porosimetry of concrete aggregates Author(s): O.A. Kayyali |
Pages: 259 - 262 |
Orientation de la portlandite dans les mortiers et bétons de ciment portland: influence de la nature et de l'état de surface du support de cristallisation Author(s): G. Arliguie, J. Grandet, J.P. Ollivier |
Pages: 263 - 267 |
Methods for determining the water and cement content of fresh concrete Author(s): G. Williamson |
Pages: 269 - 278 |
"ELS" - EMPA's new revolutionary testing machine Author(s): T.H. Erismann |
Pages: 279 - 283 |
Determination of the fracture energy of mortar and concrete by means of three-point bend tests on notched beams Author(s): RILEM TCS |
Pages: 285 - 290 |
The theoretical basis of a method to determine the fracture energy GF of concrete Author(s): A. Hillerborg |
Pages: 291 - 296 |
Towards standard tests for abrasion resistance of concrete Author(s): M.G. Alexander |
Pages: 297 - 307 |
Long term observation of concrete structures. Analysis of temperature gradient effects. Author(s): RILEM TC 45-LTO |
Pages: 309 - 316 |