Materials and Structures 109 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 19 , N° 109 Année: 1986 |
Composites. L'art des matériaux Author(s): K. Gamski |
Pages: 1 - 10 |
Correlation between changes in dynamic properties and remaining carrying capacity Author(s): V. Askegaard, H.E. Langsœ |
Pages: 11 - 20 |
Material design of aerated concrete - An optimum performance design Author(s): S. Tada |
Pages: 21 - 26 |
Influence du diamètre des bulles sur la microfissuration d'un joint collé Author(s): W. Luhowiak, C. Collot |
Pages: 27 - 32 |
Strength development of fly ash concretes Author(s): M.K. Gopalan, M.N. Haque |
Pages: 33 - 37 |
A study of the combined influence of condensed silica fume and a water reducing admixture on water demand and strength of concrete Author(s): S.A. Markestad |
Pages: 39 - 47 |
The fracture of wood under impact loading Author(s): S. Mindess, B. Madsen |
Pages: 49 - 53 |
The split Hopkinson bar, a versatile tool for the impact testing of concrete Author(s): H.W. Reinhardt, H.A. Körmeling, A.J. Zielinski |
Pages: 55 - 63 |
A thermoelastic method to measure the thermal expansion coefficient Author(s): M. Beghi, M. Berra |
Pages: 65 - 69 |
RILEM Bulletin/Bulletin de la RILEM Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 71 - 75 |