Materials and Structures 112 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 19 , N° 112 Année: 1986 |
Evolution and future of building materials in Japan Author(s): K. Shirayama |
Pages: 249 - 251 |
Seismic strength of adobe masonry Author(s): J. Vargas, J. Bariola, M. Blondet, P.K. Mehta |
Pages: 253 - 258 |
Behaviour of concrete subjected to passive confinement Author(s): M.F. Kotsovos, S.H. Perry |
Pages: 259 - 264 |
Bleeding: evaluation of its effects on concrete behaviour Author(s): G. Giaccio, A. Giovambattista |
Pages: 265 - 271 |
Mise en évidence des interactions entre pâte interstitielle et granulats dans l'écoulement du béton frais vibré Author(s): M. Barrioulet, C. Legrand |
Pages: 273 - 278 |
Etudes sur l'efficacité et la durabilité de deux traitements appliqués à un calcaire Author(s): E. De Castro |
Pages: 279 - 283 |
Large triaxial-torsional testing machine with hygrothermal control Author(s): Z.P. Bazant |
Pages: 285 - 294 |
45-LTO Long-term observation of structures Author(s): RILEM TC 45-LTO |
Pages: 295 - 296 |
A summary of ferrocement construction and a survey of its durability. RILEM Committee 48-FC Author(s): RILEM TC 48-FC |
Pages: 297 - 297 |
Elastomeric, thermoplastic and modified bitumen roofing. A summary technical report of CIB W.83 and RILEM 75-SLR Joint Committee Author(s): RILEM TC 75-SLR |
Pages: 323 - 331 |