Materials and Structures 113 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 19 , N° 113 Année: 1986 |
Trends in building materials research Author(s): V.S. Ramachandran, H.E. Ashton |
Pages: 337 - 342 |
Sur les interactions macroscopiques entre armatures et béton de structure et leur influence sur la résistance à la fissuration d'éléments armés Author(s): M. Lorrain, O. Sall, M. Arnaud |
Pages: 343 - 349 |
Stability of sulphur concrete beams with steel reinforcement Author(s): R.N. Swamy, T.A.R. Jurjees |
Pages: 351 - 360 |
Compression creep behaviour of steel fibre reinforced cement composites Author(s): P.S. Mangat, M. Motamedi Azari |
Pages: 361 - 370 |
The behaviour of concrete under impact loadings: Experimental procedures and method of analysis Author(s): A. Bentur, S. Mindess, N. Banthia |
Pages: 371 - 378 |
Structural behaviour of a dry block with pile-anchored bottom slab Author(s): J.A. Fernandes, R. Correia |
Pages: 379 - 389 |
Some remarks upon concrete softening Author(s): J.M. Torrenti |
Pages: 391 - 394 |
Standing waves in dementstone? Author(s): J.C. Deelman |
Pages: 395 - 400 |
Long-term observation of concrete structures. Final report of 45-LTO Committee Author(s): RILEM TCS |
Pages: 401 - 411 |