Materials and Structures 115 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 20 , N° 115 Année: 1987 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 1 - 2 |
Examination of three methods for studying ion diffusion in cement pastes, mortars and concrete Author(s): N.R. Buenfield, J.B. Newman |
Pages: 3 - 10 |
Etude du comportement mécanique de la structure de pâtes de ciment fraîches soumises à centrifugation Author(s): C. Legrand, C. Randriamorasata |
Pages: 11 - 18 |
Porosity of concrete in relation to the nature of the paste-aggregate interface Author(s): O.A. Kayyali |
Pages: 19 - 26 |
Validity of using methanol for studying the microstructure of cement paste Author(s): J.J. Beaudoin |
Pages: 27 - 31 |
Attempts to improve the bond between cement pastes and aggregate Author(s): S. Popovics |
Pages: 32 - 38 |
Use of gel composition as a criterion for diagnosis of alkali-aggregate reactivity in a concrete containing siliceous limestone aggregate Author(s): B. Durand, J. Berard |
Pages: 39 - 43 |
Etude de l'extrusion et de la stabilisation par le ciment d'argiles monominérales Author(s): J.P. Molard, J.P. Camps, M. Laquerbe |
Pages: 44 - 50 |
Optimized mix design of concrete Author(s): RILEM TC 70-OMD |
Pages: 51 - 53 |
Prediction of service life of building materials and components Author(s): RILEM TC 71-PSL / CIB-W80 |
Pages: 55 - 77 |
RILEM Bulletin/Bulletin de la RILEM Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 79 - 80 |