Materials and Structures 117 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 20 , N° 117 Année: 1987 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 161 - 162 |
Modern materials science contributes to a better understanding of the complex behaviour of concrete Author(s): F.H. Wittmann |
Pages: 163 - 164 |
Structural restoration of wooden beams by means of epoxy resin Author(s): D. Van Gemert, M. Vanden Bosch |
Pages: 165 - 170 |
A quantative deformation model for the two-phase composites including concrete Author(s): S. Popovics |
Pages: 171 - 179 |
La technologie des bétons à très hatue résistance en Amérique du Nord Author(s): P.C. Aitcin |
Pages: 180 - 189 |
Regulation of setting time for improving casting conditions in slip-form concreting Author(s): Z. Reichverger |
Pages: 190 - 195 |
L'effet de masse des granulats dans l'écoulement du béton frais vibre Author(s): M. Barrioulet, C. Legrand |
Pages: 196 - 201 |
Sables calcaires à fines calcaires et argileuses: influence et novicité dans les mortiers de ciment Author(s): J.L. Ramirez, J.M. Barcena, J.I. Urreta |
Pages: 202 - 213 |
Detection of crack growth in concrete from ultrasonic intensity methods Author(s): W. Suaris, V. Fernando |
Pages: 214 - 220 |
39-BH Draft Recommendations on winter concreting. Abstract/Projet de Recommandations de 39-BH. Abrégé Author(s): RILEM TC 39-BH |
Pages: 221 - 222 |
Some international committees involved in concrete technology Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 223 - 240 |