Materials and Structures 123 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 21 , N° 123 Année: 1988 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 161 - 162 |
Shrinkage of steel fibre reinforced cement composites Author(s): P.S. Mangat, M. Motamedi Azari |
Pages: 163 - 171 |
Eight year deformation tests on reinforced concrete Author(s): K. Christiansen |
Pages: 172 - 178 |
The bond stress between a reinforcement bar and concrete: is it theoretically predictable? Author(s): L. Vandedewalle, F. Mortelmans |
Pages: 179 - 181 |
Application d'une méthode d'usure par abrasion à la détermination du comportement méchanique l'auréole de transition d'un béton soumis à des chargements cycliques Author(s): G. Pons, J.C. Maso, J. Chouicha |
Pages: 182 - 191 |
Influence of curing at different relative humidities upon compound reactions and porosity of Portland cement paste Author(s): R.G. Patel, D.C. Killoh, L.J. Parrott, W.A. Gutteridge |
Pages: 192 - 197 |
Model for an engineering approach to the design of concrete structures in chemically aggressive environments Author(s): D. Bjegovic, V. Ukraincik |
Pages: 198 - 204 |
The effect of curing period and curing delay on concrete in hot weather Author(s): S.H. Al-Ani, M.A.K. Al-Zaiwary |
Pages: 205 - 212 |
Improving the moisture resistance of adobe strutures Author(s): E.A. Heredia Zavoni, J.J. Bariola Bernales, J.V. Neumann, P.K. Mehta |
Pages: 213 - 221 |
Effect of rice husk ash on the properties of bricks made from fired lateritic soil-clay mix Author(s): M.A. Rahman |
Pages: 222 - 227 |
General recommendations for methods of testing load-bearing masonry Author(s): RILEM TC 76-LUM |
Pages: 227 - 231 |
RILEM Bulletin Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 238 - 240 |