
Materials and Structures 126 : Materials and Structures

ISSN: 1359-5997
Issue: Volume 21 , N° 126
Année: 1988


Author(s): M. Fickelson
Pages: 401 - 402

Interaction between tensile strength failure and mixed-mode crack propagation in concrete
Author(s): A. Carpinteri
Pages: 403 - 409

The influence of dead load on fracture energy measurements using the RILEM method
Author(s): S.E. Swartz, S.T. Yap
Pages: 410 - 415

Tension softening and cracking in drying concrete
Author(s): S. Thelandersson, A. Mårtensson, O. Dahlblom
Pages: 416 - 424

Size effect tests of torsional failure of plain and reinforced concrete beams
Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, S. Sener, P.C. Prat
Pages: 425 - 430

La méthode du temps équivalent pour la prédiction des déformations dues au fluage du béton: prise en compte de la recouvrance
Author(s): P. Boeraeve
Pages: 431 - 435

The combined effect of chlorides and sulphates present in water and aggregates on properties of concrete
Author(s): T.B. Al-Kadhimi, B.G. Ikzer, S.F. Al-Takarli
Pages: 436 - 442

Pore structure and frost durability of clay bricks
Author(s): W. Hansen, J.H. Kung
Pages: 443 - 447

A cone penetration test for workability of fibre reinforced concrete
Author(s): A.K. Sachan, C.V.S. Kameswara Rao
Pages: 448 - 452

CPC-18 Measurement of hardened concrete carbonation depth
Author(s): RILEM TC 56-MHM
Pages: 453 - 455

RILEM Indexes
Author(s): RILEM
Pages: 457 - 492