Materials and Structures 131 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 22 , N° 131 Année: 1989 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 321 - 322 |
A general model for the mechanics of saturated-unsaturated porous materials Author(s): B.A. Schrefler, L. Simoni, C.E. Majorana |
Pages: 323 - 334 |
Sampling of wood for mechanical tests on the basis of density Author(s): I. Smith, L.R.J. Whale |
Pages: 335 - 338 |
Influence des caractéristiques des granulats sur les actions intergranulaires dans l'écoulement du béton frais Author(s): M. Barrioulet, C. Legrand |
Pages: 339 - 343 |
Marine concrete in hot climates - designed to fail Author(s): T.C. Hansen |
Pages: 344 - 346 |
Steel-to-concrete bond after concrete spliting: constitutive laws and interface deterioration Author(s): P.G. Gambarova, G.P. Rosati, B. Zasso |
Pages: 347 - 356 |
Structural behaviour of thin planar and curved microconcrete plates reinforced conventionally and with steel fibres Author(s): C.F. Kearns, G.M. McConnell |
Pages: 357 - 363 |
Fracture mechanics of brick masonry: size effects and snap-back analysis Author(s): P. Bocca, A. Carpinteri, S. Valente |
Pages: 364 - 373 |
Accoustic emission applied to study crack propagation in concrete Author(s): P. Rossi, J.L. Roberts, J.P. Gervais, D. Bruhat |
Pages: 374 - 384 |
TC 71-PSL/CIB W80. Systematic methodology for service life. Prediction of building materials and components Author(s): L.W. Masters, E. Brandt |
Pages: 385 - 392 |
RILEM/ISRM Joint Workshop on fracture toughness and fracture energy - Test methods for concrete and rock Author(s): H. Mihashi, RILEM |
Pages: 393 - 399 |