Materials and Structures 135 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 23 , N° 135 Année: 1990 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 159 - 160 |
Un modèle probabiliste d'endommagement résultant d'une approche micro-macro Author(s): D. Breysse |
Pages: 161 - 171 |
Investigation of thermal cracking with the cracking-frame Author(s): R. Breitenbücher |
Pages: 172 - 177 |
Size-effet prediction from effective crack model for plain concrete Author(s): B.L. Karihaloo, P. Nallathambi |
Pages: 178 - 185 |
Plastic shrinkage of steel fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): P.S. Mangat, M.M. Azari |
Pages: 186 - 195 |
Comparison and optimization of different methods of evaluation of displacement in cracked reinforced concrete beams Author(s): E. Cosenza, C. Greco |
Pages: 196 - 203 |
Experimental behaviour and hyper-strength of slightly reinforced concrete members bent up to collapse Author(s): P. Cossu, E. Pozzo |
Pages: 204 - 212 |
Joint investigation of concrete at high rates of loading Author(s): H.W. Reinhardt, P. Rossi, J.G.M. Van Mier |
Pages: 213 - 216 |
Shear strength of reinforced aerated concrete beams with shear reinforcement Author(s): S. Aroni, RILEM TC 78-MCA |
Pages: 217 - 222 |
Classification of concrete damage caused by chemical attack Author(s): K.R. Lauer, RILEM TC 104-DCC |
Pages: 223 - 229 |
Damage caused by carbonation of reinforced concrete Author(s): L.J. Parrott, RILEM TC 104-DCC |
Pages: 230 - 234 |
Report on the RILEM Workshop "Ancient mortars and mortars for restoration" Author(s): P. Rota Rossi-Doria, RILEM |
Pages: 235 - 238 |