Materials and Structures 136 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 23 , N° 136 Année: 1990 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 239 - 240 |
Composite modelling of masonry deformation Author(s): J.J. Brooks |
Pages: 241 - 251 |
Lime-stabillized red mud bricks Author(s): A. Dass, S.K. Malhotra |
Pages: 252 - 255 |
Mix design and mechanical behaviour of some steel-fibre-reinforced concretes used in reinforced concrete structures Author(s): P. Rossi, N. Harrouche |
Pages: 256 - 266 |
Retrait et adhérence du béton modifié au latex Author(s): F. Saucier, D. Bordeleau, M. Pigeon |
Pages: 267 - 276 |
Proposal for limitation and control of fines in calcareous sands based upon their influence in some concrete properties Author(s): J.L. Ramirez, J.M. Barcena, J.I. Urreta |
Pages: 277 - 288 |
On the correlation between porosity and strength in high-alumina cement mortars Author(s): F. Indelicato |
Pages: 289 - 295 |
A new method for the measurement of tensile properties of curved specimens Author(s): S. Arnaout, M.N. Pavlovic, J.W. Dougill |
Pages: 296 - 304 |
Statistical features of mechanical properties of current Japanese steels Author(s): H. Yamanouchi, B. Kato, H. Aoki, RILEM TC 83-CUS |
Pages: 305 - 315 |
Application of fracture mechanics to concrete structures Author(s): L. Elfgren, RILEM |
Pages: 316 - 316 |