Materials and Structures 138 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 23 , N° 138 Année: 1990 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 395 - 396 |
Fly ash concrete-potential without misuse Author(s): R.N. Swamy |
Pages: 397 - 411 |
Influence of sea water solution on mortar containing calcium carbonate Author(s): V.S. Ramachandran, R.F. Feldman, J.J. Beaudoin |
Pages: 412 - 417 |
The thermal and structural effects of elevated temperatures on the basic creep of hardened cement paste Author(s): W.P.S. Dias, G.A. Khoury, P.J.E. Sullivan |
Pages: 418 - 425 |
Etude expérimentale sur le comportement statique et dynamique à grande vitesse de déformation des microbétons Author(s): C.Y. Chiem, J.G. Sieffert, B.H. Hwaija |
Pages: 426 - 435 |
Premix PCC materials: mechanical properties as a function of technology factors Author(s): G. Zappia, F. Sandrolini, A. Motori |
Pages: 436 - 441 |
Water-based epoxy materials: properties of curing agent and film-forming properties Author(s): V.L. Jack, V.A. Ashitkov, S.S. Mnatsakanov, E.E. Kalaus, L.G. Shaltyko |
Pages: 442 - 448 |
Bearing capacity of a bar under transversal loads Author(s): L. Biolzi, E. Giuriani |
Pages: 449 - 456 |
Determination of fracture parameters (Ksic and CTODc) of plain concrete using three-point bend tests Author(s): S.P. Shah, RILEM TC 89-FMT |
Pages: 457 - 460 |
Size-effect method for determining fracture energy and process zone size of concrete Author(s): S.P. Shah, RILEM TC 89-FMT |
Pages: 461 - 465 |
RILEM International Workshop "Testing during concrete construction". Conclusions Author(s): H.W. Reinhardt, RILEM |
Pages: 466 - 468 |