Materials and Structures 142 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 24 , N° 142 Année: 1991 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 241 - 242 |
Investigations of reinforcement corrosion. 1. The pore electrolyte phase in chloride-contaminated concrete Author(s): C.L. Page, P. Lambert, P.R.W. Vassie |
Pages: 243 - 252 |
Damage classification of concrete structures. The state of the art report of RILEM Technical Committee 04-DCC activity Author(s): T. Javor, RILEM TC 104-DCC |
Pages: 253 - 259 |
Principles of a standard survey and damage classification system for concrete structures Author(s): K.F. Müller, RILEM TC 104-DCC |
Pages: 260 - 264 |
State-of-the-art report: The use of damage classification systems for concrete structures Author(s): K.R. Lauer, RILEM TC 104-DCC |
Pages: 265 - 267 |
Classification of damage in concrete bridges Author(s): B.D. Zacic, A. Ryzynski, C. Guo-Hong, J. Jokela, RILEM TC 104-DCC |
Pages: 268 - 275 |
Classification of damage and its causes as applied to precast concrete building Author(s): R.J. Folic, RILEM TC 104-DCC |
Pages: 276 - 285 |
A classification of damage to concrete buildings in earthquakes, illustrated by examples Author(s): R.J. Folic, RILEM TC 104-DCC |
Pages: 286 - 292 |
Damage to concrete structures in the Finnish housing stock Author(s): J. Jokela, RILEM TC 104-DCC |
Pages: 293 - 301 |
Damage to concrete structures in a marine environment Author(s): P.C. Liu, RILEM TC 104-DCC |
Pages: 302 - 307 |
Ageing management of safety-related concrete structures to provide improved bases for continuing the service of nuclear power plants Author(s): D.J. Naus, C.B. Oland, E.G. Arndt, RILEM TC 104-DCC |
Pages: 308 - 316 |
Abstracts of recommendations on aerated lightweight concrete Author(s): RILEM TC 51-ALC |
Pages: 317 - 320 |