Materials and Structures 143 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 24 , N° 143 Année: 1991 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 321 - 322 |
Consequences of diffusion theory for shrinkage of concrete Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, J.-K. Kim |
Pages: 323 - 326 |
Improved prediction model for time-dependent deformations of concrete: Part 1 - Shrinkage Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, J.-K. Kim, L. Panula |
Pages: 327 - 345 |
On-site detection of corrosion in reinforced concrete structures Author(s): J.A. Gonzalez, S. Feliu, C. Andrade, I. Rodriguez |
Pages: 346 - 350 |
Investigation of reinforcement corrosion. 2. Electrochemical monitoring of steel in chloride-contamined concrete Author(s): P. Lambert, C.L. Page, P.R.W. Vassie |
Pages: 351 - 358 |
Electrochemical induction of alkali-silica reaction in concrete Author(s): G. Sergi, C.L. Page, D.M. Thompson |
Pages: 359 - 361 |
Surface resistance measurement of polyethylene using the concentric ring electrode method Author(s): G. Leonidopoulos, P. Leonidopoulos, E. Leonidopoulo |
Pages: 362 - 368 |
Cinétique de migration de l'eau sous charge variable dans les systèmes plâtres-argile Author(s): A. Attari, C. Comel, M. Murat |
Pages: 369 - 375 |
The use of uncertainties to quantify quality Author(s): H. Marchandise |
Pages: 380 - 386 |
Various aspects of the practice of testing laboratory accreditation by RNE Author(s): R. Lavergne |
Pages: 392 - 394 |
2nd International Symposium on Vegetable Plants and their Fibres as Building Materials, 1990/17-21, Salvador, Brazil: Conclusions Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 395 - 397 |
Symposium on Properties of Fresh Concrete, 1990/10/3-5, Hannover, Germany: Conclusions Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 398 - 399 |