Materials and Structures 149 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 25 , N° 149 Année: 1992 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 253 - 254 |
Caractère fractal des mélanges granulaires pour bétons de haute compacité Author(s): A. Lecomte, A. Thomas |
Pages: 255 - 264 |
Comparative study of various silica fumes as additives in high-performance cementitious materials Author(s): F. De Larrard, J.-F. Gorse, C. Puch |
Pages: 265 - 272 |
Modified water-cement ratio law for compressive strength of fly ash concretes Author(s): S.E. Hedegaard, T.C. Hansen |
Pages: 273 - 283 |
Water absorption in cover concrete Author(s): L.J. Parrot |
Pages: 284 - 292 |
Effect of composition, environmental factors and cement-lime mortar coating on concrete carbonation Author(s): V.G. Papadakis, M.N. Fardis, C.G. Vayenas |
Pages: 293 - 304 |
Measurement of the fracture energy using three-point bend tests: Part 2 - Influence of bulk energy dissipation Author(s): J. Planas, M. Elices, G.V. Guinea |
Pages: 305 - 312 |
On the identificaion of mathematical models for steel stress-strain curves Author(s): A. Colson, M. Boulabiza |
Pages: 313 - 316 |