Materials and Structures 155 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 26 , N° 155 Année: 1993 |
Editorial Author(s): T. C. Hansen |
Pages: 1 - 2 |
Contrôle non destructif d'une paroi in situ par impédance thermique Author(s): D. Defer, S. Belattar, B. Duthoit |
Pages: 3 - 7 |
A penetration test to evaluate wood decay and its application to the Loggia monument Author(s): E. Giuriani, A. Gubana |
Pages: 8 - 14 |
Non-Newtonian viscosity of polymer-modified bituminens Author(s): D. Sybilski |
Pages: 15 - 23 |
X-ray diffraction analysis of oxidizable sulphides in aggregates used in concrete Author(s): J.S. Chinchon, E. Vazquez, A. Alastuey, A. Lopez-Soler |
Pages: 24 - 29 |
Effect of cold drawing on susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement of prestressing steel Author(s): J. Toribio, A.M. Lancha |
Pages: 30 - 37 |
Shock-tube tests of concrete slabs Author(s): F. Toutlemonde, C. Boulay, C. Gourraud |
Pages: 38 - 42 |
Draft recommendation for in situ concrete strength determination by combined non-destructive methods Author(s): RILEM TC 43-CND |
Pages: 43 - 49 |
Workability of special concrete mixes Author(s): P.J.M Bartos, RILEM TC 145-WSM |
Pages: 50 - 52 |
RILEM Workshops Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 53 - 55 |
Groupes Nationaux : 2ème Colloque National sur les Matériaux de Construction au Mexique Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 54 - 54 |
Subject index /I ndex analytique 1997/1992 Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 57 - 57 |