Materials and Structures 156 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 26 , N° 156 Année: 1993 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Brusin |
Pages: 65 - 66 |
Random particle model for concrete based on Delaunay triangulation Author(s): G. De Schutter, L. Taerwe |
Pages: 67 - 73 |
Compressive-froce path and behaviour of prestressed concrete beams Author(s): S.M. Seraj, M.D. Kotsovos, M.N. Pavlovic |
Pages: 74 - 89 |
Essais d'adhérence des époxydes au béton hydraulique Author(s): J.L.B. Aguiar |
Pages: 90 - 97 |
Instantaneous and time-dependent analysis of composite wood-concrete cross-sections using Dischinger's equations of state: Part 1- Instantaneous analysis Author(s): M.S. Mungwa, D.A. Kenmou |
Pages: 98 - 102 |
Laboratory studies of properties of the stone masonry in the Old Aswan Dam Author(s): V. Novokshchenov |
Pages: 103 - 110 |
101-BAT: Bitumen and Asphalt Testing. Activity Report 1987-1992 Author(s): H.W. Fritz, RILEM TC 101-BAT |
Pages: 111 - 119 |
The RILEM Strategic Workshop MADRID II Author(s): C.D Pomeroy, RILEM |
Pages: 121 - 123 |
RILEM Workshop-Concrete Technology in the Future Author(s): H. Poijärvi |
Pages: 124 - 128 |