Materials and Structures 165 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 27 , N° 165 Année: 1994 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 1 - 2 |
Drying creep of concrete: constitutive model and new experiments separating its mechanims Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, Y. Xi |
Pages: 3 - 14 |
Effect of very fine aggregate on concrete strength Author(s): A. Kronlöf |
Pages: 15 - 25 |
Résistance au gel-dégel du béton compacté au rouleau pour les barrages à base de liant Rolac Author(s): A. Delagrave, J. Marchand, M. Pigeon, R. Ranc, J. Marzin |
Pages: 26 - 32 |
The durability of structural sandwich elements Author(s): K. Berner, J.M. Davies, A. Helenius, L. Heselius |
Pages: 33 - 39 |
Physical and numerical models for the shear load-carrying capacity testing of steel-concrete bond joints Author(s): M. Muravljov, M. Krasulja |
Pages: 40 - 53 |
Indirect tensile test applied to anisotropic materials Author(s): F. Van Cauwelaert, B. Eckmann |
Pages: 54 - 60 |
Proposals from the Strategic Workshop Madrid II for New RILEM Activities Author(s): H.W. Reinhardt, RILEM |
Pages: 61 - 61 |
UNESCO/RILEM International Congress on the Conservation of Stone and other Materials Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 62 - 62 |