Materials and Structures 170 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 27 , N° 170 Année: 1994 |
Stiffness associated with quasi-concentrated loads Author(s): J. Planas, G.V. Guinea, M. Elices |
Pages: 311 - 318 |
Dynamic behaviour of concrete: from the material to the structure Author(s): P. Rossi |
Pages: 319 - 323 |
Testing system for determining the mechanical behaviour of early age concrete under restrained and free uniaxial shrinkage Author(s): K. Kovler |
Pages: 324 - 330 |
Application de la méthode d'émission acoustique aux essais du comportement du béton imprégné de polymère soumis à la compression Author(s): T. Broniewski, J. Hola, J. Sliwinski |
Pages: 331 - 337 |
Prediction of long term chloride concentration in concrete Author(s): P.S. Mangat, B.T. Molloy |
Pages: 338 - 346 |
Performance of natural fibre reinforced mortar roofing tiles Author(s): Z. Berhane |
Pages: 347 - 352 |
The effect of sea tides on historical brickwork in Venice Author(s): A. Bakolas, G. Biscontin, E. Zendri |
Pages: 353 - 358 |
Comment on recent analysis of concrete creep linearity and applicability of principle of superposition Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, C. Huet, H.S. Müller |
Pages: 359 - 361 |
Damage classification of concrete structures Author(s): RILEM TC 104-DDC |
Pages: 362 - 369 |
Fifth International Symposium on Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete (ConCreep-5) Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 370 - 372 |
International RILEM Workshop on Technology Transfer of the New Trends in Concrete (ConTech'94) Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 372 - 373 |