Materials and Structures 171 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 27 , N° 171 Année: 1994 |
Restrained shrinkage in repaired reinforced concrete elements Author(s): Ying-Su Yuan, M. Marosszeky |
Pages: 375 - 382 |
A study of the behaviour of volume change cracking in base restrained concrete walls Author(s): G.F. Kheder, R.S. Al-Rawi, J.K. Al-Dhahi |
Pages: 383 - 392 |
Modelling lime mortar carbonation Author(s): K. Van Balen, D. Van Gemert |
Pages: 393 - 398 |
Quantification of high alumina cement content in concrete by means of gamma ray spectrometry Author(s): J.S. Chinchón, J. Baró, J. Tent, J.J. Elvira |
Pages: 399 - 400 |
Structure formation of slag ash concrete on the basis of high-calcium fly ash and silica fume Author(s): S.I. Pavlenko |
Pages: 401 - 407 |
Mortar deterioration of the masonry walls in historic buildings. A case history: Vanvitelli's Mole in Ancona Author(s): G. Moriconi, M.G. Castellano, M. Collepardi |
Pages: 408 - 414 |
Draft recommendation for repair strategies for concrete structures damaged by reinforcement corrosion Author(s): RILEM TC 124-SRC |
Pages: 415 - 436 |