Materials and Structures 173 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 27 , N° 173 Année: 1994 |
Probabilistic aspects of fracture energy of concrete Author(s): F.H. Wittmann, V. Slowik, A.M. Alvaredo |
Pages: 499 - 504 |
Experimental investigation of the fatigue strength of plain concrete under high compressive loading Author(s): K. Dyduch, M. Szerszen, J.-F. Destrebecq |
Pages: 505 - 509 |
Investigation of the basic creep of concrete by acoustic emission Author(s): P. Rossi, N. Godart, J.L. Robert, J.P. Gervais, D. Bruhat |
Pages: 510 - 514 |
Improved "EI" estimation for reinforced concrete circular columns Author(s): M. Resheidat, M. Ghanma, K. Numayr, C. Sutton, W.-F. Chen |
Pages: 515 - 526 |
Residual bond strength of polymer adhesive anchored reinforcement subjected to high temperatures Author(s): K. Pilakoutas, S. Hafeez, S. Dritsos |
Pages: 527 - 531 |
Fibre mortar composites under fire conditions: effects of ageing and moisture content of specimens Author(s): L. Sarvaranta, E. Mikkola |
Pages: 532 - 538 |
Comportement mécanique des enrobés bitumineux et modélisation de la contrainte maximale Author(s): H. Di Benedetto, X. Yan |
Pages: 539 - 547 |
Investigation of mortar and stone deterioration in the Victoria Memorial, Calcutta Author(s): S.L. Sarkar, A.K. Bhadra, P.K. Mandal |
Pages: 548 - 556 |
Specifications for concrete with recycled aggregates Author(s): RILEM TC 121-DRG |
Pages: 557 - 559 |
News from RILEM Members Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 560 - 561 |