Materials and Structures 174 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 27 , N° 174 Année: 1994 |
Size effects on tensile fracture properties: a unified explanation based on disorder and fractality of concrete microstructures Author(s): A. Carpinteri, G. Ferro |
Pages: 563 - 571 |
A model for the stress-strain relationship of rectangular confined normal and high strength concrete columns Author(s): K.M. El-Dash, S.H. Ahmad |
Pages: 572 - 579 |
Is the cube test suitable for high performance concrete? Author(s): F. De Larrard, A. Belloc, S. Renwez, C. Boulay |
Pages: 580 - 583 |
On the hardness determination of fine grained concrete Author(s): M. Kholmyansky, E. Kogan, K. Kovler |
Pages: 584 - 587 |
An experimental study on the use of dynamic tests for surveillance of concrete structures Author(s): J.R. Casas |
Pages: 588 - 595 |
Evolution du coefficient de dilatation thermique du béton en fonction de sa maturité aux tout premiers âges Author(s): P. Laplante, C. Boulay |
Pages: 596 - 605 |
An investigation into the feasibility of formulating "self-cure" concrete Author(s): R.K. Dhir, P.C. Hewlett, J.S. Lota, T.D. Dyer |
Pages: 606 - 615 |
Letters to the Editors / Lettres à la Rédaction Author(s): L. Granger, P. Acker, J.-M. Torrenti |
Pages: 616 - 619 |