Materials and Structures 182 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 28 , N° 182 Année: 1995 |
Multifractal nature of concreet fracture surfaces and size effects on nominal fracture energy Author(s): A. Carpinteri |
Pages: 435 - 443 |
Acoustic emission source characterization in concrete under biaxial loading Author(s): W. Suaris |
Pages: 444 - 449 |
Modelling drying shrinkage of cement paste and mortar. Part 1: Structural models from nanometres to millimetres Author(s): D.P. Bentz |
Pages: 450 - 458 |
La résistance en compression des bétons de structure aux cendres volantes Author(s): F. de Larrard |
Pages: 459 - 463 |
Influence de la teneur en eau et de la température sur la conductivité thermique du béton cellulaire autoclavé Author(s): J.P. Laurent |
Pages: 464 - 472 |
Mixed-mode fracture performance of fibre reinforced concrete under impact loading Author(s): A. Arslan |
Pages: 473 - 478 |
Light and strong as wood: The development of hybrid concrete members Author(s): B.G. Hellers |
Pages: 479 - 479 |
Letters to the editor Author(s): G.F. Kheder, R.S. Al-Rawi, J.K. Al-Dhahi |
Pages: 480 - 481 |
RILEM draft recommendation for determination of fracture energy in forward shear along the grain in wood Author(s): RILEM TC 133-TF |
Pages: 482 - 487 |
Justifications and refinements of model B3 for concrete creep and shrinkage - 2. Updating and theoretical basis Author(s): RILEM TC 107-CSP |
Pages: 488 - 495 |