Materials and Structures 187 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 29 , N° 187 Année: 1996 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 130 - 130 |
Approximate expressions for the determ. of ageing coefficient & relax. function in the visocelastic anal.of concrete struct. Author(s): C. Lacidogna, M. Tarantino |
Pages: 131 - 140 |
Cracking and permeability of concrete under tension Author(s): B. Gerard, D. Breysse, A. Ammouche, O. Houdusse, O. Didry |
Pages: 141 - 151 |
Pull-out of axisymmetric headed anchors Author(s): B. L. Karihaloo |
Pages: 152 - 157 |
Evaluation of electrical resistivity maps for ancient masonry Author(s): D. Van Gemert, H. Janssens, F. Van Rickstal |
Pages: 158 - 163 |
Some effects of cement and curing upon carbonation and reinforcement corrosion in concrete Author(s): L. J. Parrott |
Pages: 164 - 173 |
Investigations on the influence of oxygen on corrosion of steel in concrete Author(s): M. Raupach |
Pages: 174 - 184 |
Evaluation of cleaning methods for granite based on petrographic examination Author(s): S. Pavia Santamaria, P. O'Brien, T. P. Cooper |
Pages: 185 - 189 |
Recherche sur les matériaux locaux - Deuxième séminaire international Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 190 - 190 |