Materials and Structures 188 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 29 , N° 188 Année: 1996 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 194 - 194 |
Determination and interpretation of fractal properties of the sandstone pore system Author(s): B. Meng |
Pages: 195 - 205 |
Modélisation thermique des milieux poreux & prise en compte du couplage des paramètres de porosité pour l'étude de l'influence de la forme des pores Author(s): R. Cabrillac, J. Sicard |
Pages: 206 - 218 |
Mesures fluxmétriques & notion d'impédance therm. appliquées à la caractéris. d'1 paroi de bât.soumises à des soll.natur. Author(s): S. Lassue, L. Zalewski, D. Defer, B. Duthoit, M. Chantant |
Pages: 219 - 225 |
Investigations on the influence of oxygen on corrosion of steel in concrete - Part II Author(s): M. Raupach |
Pages: 226 - 232 |
Mechanical properties of reactive powder concretes (RPC) Author(s): J. Dugat, N. Roux, G. Bernier |
Pages: 233 - 240 |
Plastic cladding for bar, joint and cladding structures Author(s): E. Karni |
Pages: 241 - 249 |
The strength design method for reinforced concrete around the world Author(s): J. A. Zachar, T. R. Naik |
Pages: 250 - 252 |
International Symposium on non-destructive testing in engineering, Berlin, 26-28 September 1995 Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 253 - 254 |