Materials and Structures 191 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 29 , N° 191 Année: 1996 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 394 - 394 |
Comportement au gel interne de bétons sous contraintes mécaniques Author(s): J. L. Bosc, M. Chabannet, J. Péra |
Pages: 395 - 400 |
Drying of saturated lightweight concrete : an experimental investigation Author(s): J. Selih, T.W. Bremner |
Pages: 401 - 405 |
A new proposal for defining the ductility of concrete reinforcement steels by means of a single parameter Author(s): G. Creazza, S. Russo |
Pages: 406 - 410 |
Mechanical properties of cement treated mixtures of milled bituminous concrete and crushed aggregates Author(s): S. Kolias |
Pages: 411 - 417 |
Failure analysis of timber bolted joints by fracture mechanics Author(s): L. Daudeville, M. Yasumura |
Pages: 418 - 425 |
Long-term tensile and bending strength of natural building stones Author(s): S. Sorace |
Pages: 426 - 435 |
Water and salt migration through a sandstone coping Author(s): K. W. Riley, J.L. Heiman |
Pages: 436 - 443 |
Mesure de l'énergie d'activation appar.des ciments dans les mortiers à l'aide du calorimètre semi-adiabat. de Langavant Author(s): E.A. Kouakou, C. Legrand, E. Wirquin |
Pages: 444 - 447 |
Performance of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry walls Author(s): H. A. Al-Mudhaf, E.K. Attiogbe |
Pages: 448 - 452 |
Round robin analysis and tests on bon - Invitation Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 453 - 453 |
International symposium on brittle matric composites - BMC5 Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 454 - 454 |