Materials and Structures 193 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 29 , N° 193 Année: 1996 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 522 - 522 |
TC 117-FDC Recommendation - CDF test - test method for the freez thaw and deicing resistance of concrete - Tests with sodium chloride (CDF) Author(s): RILEM TC 117-FDC |
Pages: 523 - 528 |
Analytical formulation of the complete stress-strain curve for high strength concrete Author(s): A. Van Gysel, L. Taerwe |
Pages: 529 - 533 |
Experimental study on anchored bars in RC elements with transverse reinforcement Author(s): G. A. Plizzari, M. A. Deldossi, S. Massimo |
Pages: 534 - 542 |
The influence of the type of loading & temp. on the modulus of elast.of cem.bound mixes of milled bit.concr.& crushed ag Author(s): S. Kolias |
Pages: 543 - 551 |
Ultrasonic wave attenuation as a tool for estimating frost action on limestone rocks Author(s): M. Bellanger, J. M. Remy, F. Homand |
Pages: 552 - 561 |
Techniques for the mechanical characterization of civil structures Author(s): R. Ceravolo, A. De Stefano |
Pages: 562 - 570 |
Dilatation de matériaux à matrice cimentaire : Mesures expérimentales et modélisation Author(s): C. Ben amor, J.-L. Clément |
Pages: 571 - 576 |
Letters to the editor Author(s): M. Imam |
Pages: 577 - 580 |