Materials and Structures 197 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 30 , N° 197 Année: 1997 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 130 - 130 |
Estimate of concrete cube strength by means of different diameter cores : a statistical approach Author(s): F. Indelicato |
Pages: 131 - 138 |
Confined concrete model under cyclic load Author(s): J. E. Martinez-Rueda, A. S. Elnashai |
Pages: 139 - 147 |
Determination of length changes due to moisture variations in autoclaved aerated concrete Author(s): F. R. Gottfredsen, H. H. Knuttson, A. Nielsen |
Pages: 148 - 153 |
Flexural strength of reinforced concrete beams Author(s): R. H. F. Souza, J. Appleton |
Pages: 154 - 159 |
Strengthening of concrete beams using fiber-reinforced plastics Author(s): H. Varastephpour, P. Hamelin |
Pages: 160 - 166 |
Simulation of thermal stress in reinforced concrete at early ages with a simplfied model Author(s): A. Nagy |
Pages: 167 - 173 |
A mathematical model for the prediction of volume change cracking in end-restrained concrete members Author(s): G. F. Kheder |
Pages: 174 - 181 |
New simplified equation for computation of absolute viscosity of polymer-bitumens Author(s): D. Sybilski |
Pages: 182 - 187 |
High performance concrete for an optimum protection in acidic conditions Author(s): A. K. Tamimi |
Pages: 188 - 191 |