Materials and Structures 200 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 30 , N° 200 Année: 1997 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 322 - 322 |
Recommendations of TC 127-MS: Tests for masonry materials Author(s): RILEM TC 127-MS |
Pages: 323 - 328 |
Shrinkage of cement paste and concrete modelled by a multiscale effective homogeneous theory Author(s): Y. Xi, H. M. Jennings |
Pages: 329 - 339 |
Détermination expér. des propriétés hydriques de pâtes de ciment durcies. Mise en évidence des phénomènes d'hystérésis Author(s): V. Baroghel Bouny, B. Perrin, L. Chemloul |
Pages: 340 - 348 |
Thermohygrometric and mechanical behaviour of concrete using damage models Author(s): C. Majorana, J. Mazars |
Pages: 349 - 354 |
Stabilisation à froid de matériaux montmorillonitiques par du ciment Portland Author(s): K. Ben Amor, M. Temimi, J. P. Camps, M. Laquerbe |
Pages: 355 - 361 |
Accelerating the hydration of calcium sulfate hemihydrate via high energy mixing Author(s): S. Blaine |
Pages: 362 - 365 |
Numerical simulation of hydrous transfer within fibrous-cement slates Author(s): A. Raoof, T. H. Doan |
Pages: 366 - 374 |
On the measurement of concrete fracture energy using three-point bend tests Author(s): M. Elices, G. V. Guinea, J. Planas |
Pages: 375 - 376 |
Determination of shear modulus and Poisson's ratio of poly- mers and foams by the anticlastic plate bending method Author(s): M. Farshad, M. W. Wildenberg, P. Flüeler |
Pages: 377 - 382 |
Second RILEM international conference on diagnosis of concrete structures Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 383 - 383 |