Materials and Structures 203 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 30 , N° 203 Année: 1997 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 514 - 514 |
Test Methods for strength tests on blocks of compressed earth / Mode opératoire pour la réalisation d'essais de résistance sur blocs de terre comprimée Author(s): RILEM TC 164-EBM, M. Olivier, A. Mesbah, Z. El Gharbi, J.C. Morel |
Pages: 515 - 517 |
Simulation of hygral crack growth in concrete repair systems Author(s): H. Sadouki, J. M. G. Van Mier |
Pages: 518 - 526 |
Thermally induced softening and cracking in concrete with minimal reinforcement Author(s): A. Nagy |
Pages: 527 - 532 |
Moisture in concrete after different kinds of curing Author(s): B. Persson |
Pages: 533 - 544 |
Properties of some cement stabilised compressed earth blocks and mortars Author(s): P. Walker, T. Stace |
Pages: 545 - 551 |
Anchorage capacity of reinforcing bars in autoclaved aerated concrete lintels Author(s): M. Boutros, L. Saverimutto |
Pages: 552 - 555 |
Performance of sacrifical anodes to protect the splash zone of concrete piles Author(s): O. T. De Rincon, M. F. De Romero, A. R. De Carruyo, M. Sanchez, J. Bravo |
Pages: 556 - 560 |
Contribution à l'étude de simulation du procédé d'extrusion - Mise au point d'un nouvel appareil Author(s): F. Z. Aouadja, M. Mimoune, A. Doustens, M. Laquerbe |
Pages: 561 - 565 |
Experimental studies of new ductile coupling beams and multistory shear walls Author(s): D. Dajun, C. Zhengliang, Z. Shuangji |
Pages: 566 - 573 |
Letters to the editor Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 574 - 575 |