Materials and Structures 204 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 30 , N° 204 Année: 1997 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 578 - 578 |
Meso-level analysis of moisture flow in cement composites using a lattice type approach Author(s): H. Sadouki, J. M. G. Van Mier |
Pages: 579 - 587 |
Thoughts about drying shrinkage: experimental results and quantification of structural drying creep Author(s): L. Granger, J.-M. Torrenti, P. Acker |
Pages: 588 - 598 |
An analysis of the shear strength of recycled aggregates Author(s): M. M. O'Mahony |
Pages: 599 - 606 |
Durability of cementitious binder derived from industrial process wastes Author(s): M. Singh, M. Garg |
Pages: 607 - 612 |
Use of the electrochemical noise for studying the rate of corrosion of reinforcements embedded in concrete Author(s): L. Mariaca, A. Bautista, P. Rodriguez, J. A. Gonzalez |
Pages: 613 - 617 |
Compatibility and storage stability of styrene-butadien- styrene copolymer modified bitumens Author(s): X. Lu, U. Isaccson |
Pages: 618 - 626 |
Fixation des adjuvants de type polynapthalène ou poly-mélamine sulfonates dans les mortiers et les bétons Author(s): B. Pollet, B. Germaneau, C. Defossé |
Pages: 627 - 630 |
Abrasion test for precast concrete paving products Author(s): M. Vallès |
Pages: 631 - 633 |
A new device for planar shear test on wood-based panels Author(s): N. Baldassino, P. Zanon, R. Zanuttini |
Pages: 634 - 639 |