Materials and Structures 205 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 31 , N° 205 Année: 1998 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 1 - 1 |
Un test d'humidification-séchage pou les blocs de terre comprimée et stabilisée au ciment Author(s): RILEM TC 164-EBM |
Pages: 20 - 26 |
Analysis of progressive damage to reinforced ordinary and high performance concrete in relation to loading Author(s): A. Konin, R. François, G. Arliguie |
Pages: 27 - 35 |
Size effect and fracture energy studies using compact compression specimens Author(s): B. I. G. Barr, H. F. Abusiaf, S. Sener |
Pages: 36 - 41 |
Load transfer mechanisms in masonry: friction along a crack within a brick Author(s): A. Bernardini, C. Modena, M. R. Valluzzi |
Pages: 42 - 48 |
Water extraction out of mortar during brick laying: a NMR study Author(s): H. J. P. Brocken, M. E. Spiekman, L. Pel, K. Kopinga, J. A. Larbi |
Pages: 49 - 57 |
Low temperature cracking of polymer-modified asphalt Author(s): U. Isacsson, H. Zeng |
Pages: 58 - 63 |
Determining mechanical properties and main characteristics of poplar plywood by medium-size test pieces Author(s): N. Baldassino, P. Zano, R. Zanuttini |
Pages: 64 - 67 |
The second east asia symposium on polymers in concrete (II-EASPIC) Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 68 - 69 |
Workshop on prestress losses in nuclear power plant containments Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 69 - 70 |
International conference: Composite construction - Conventional and Innovative Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 70 - 71 |