Materials and Structures 208 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 31 , N° 208 Année: 1998 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 217 - 217 |
Determination of moisture distribution in porous building materials by neutron transmission analysis Author(s): H. Pleinert, H. Sadouki, F. H. Wittmann |
Pages: 218 - 224 |
Influence of initial microstructuring of the cement paste in fresh mortar on early hydration binding Author(s): A. Kouakou, C. Legrand |
Pages: 225 - 229 |
Improving of structure of interfacial zone and its influences on the long term behaviors of mortars Author(s): S. Yang, X. Zhongzi, T. Mingshu |
Pages: 230 - 234 |
Méthodes de détermination de la diffusivité hydrique de pâtes de ciments durcies Author(s): B. Perrin, V. Baroghel Bouny, L. Chemloul |
Pages: 235 - 241 |
A proposal for the prediction of the characteristic cube strength of concrete from tests on small cores of various diameters Author(s): F. Indelicato |
Pages: 242 - 246 |
The strengthening and deformation behaviour of reinforced concrete beams upgraded using prestressed composite plates Author(s): H. N. Garden, L. C. Hollaway, A. M. Thorne |
Pages: 247 - 258 |
Application of Fiber Bragg Gratings in local and remote infrastructure health monitoring Author(s): V. Saouma, D. Z. Anderson, K Ostrander, B. Lee, V. Slowik |
Pages: 259 - 266 |
Evaluation of cement grouts for embedding anchors underwater Author(s): A. Yahia, K. H. Khayat, B. Benmokrane |
Pages: 267 - 274 |
Concrete practices in the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf Author(s): H. M. Zein Al-Abideen |
Pages: 275 - 280 |
International Conference on Concrete Bridges Author(s): T. Javor |
Pages: 281 - 282 |
21st International Symposium on the Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management (MRS'97) Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 282 - 283 |
Fifth International Symposium on Brittle Matrix Composites (BMC5) Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 283 - 284 |
Third Interntational Symposium on Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-3) Author(s): T. Kanakubo |
Pages: 285 - 287 |
News of RILEM Members Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 287 - 287 |