Materials and Structures 209 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 31 , N° 209 Année: 1998 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 289 - 289 |
Recommendations: Part 7: Transient Creep for service and accident conditions Author(s): RILEM TC 129-MHT |
Pages: 290 - 295 |
Experimental determination of Kllc of normal strength concrete Author(s): H.-W. Reinhardt, S. Xu |
Pages: 296 - 302 |
Scaling behaviour and dual renormalization of the experimental softening responses Author(s): A. Carpinteri, G. Ferro |
Pages: 303 - 309 |
Penetration of chlorides in relation to the microcracking state into reinforced ordinary and high strength concrete Author(s): A. Konin, F. François, G. Arliguie |
Pages: 310 - 316 |
Microstructure and transport properties of porous building materials Author(s): D.A. Quénard, K. Xu, H.M. Künzel, D.P. Bentz, N.S. Martys |
Pages: 317 - 324 |
Influence de la durée d'une cure humide sur les caractéristiques du béton de peau Author(s): J.P. Balayssac, Ch. H. Détriché, N. Diafat |
Pages: 325 - 328 |
Air cooling of concrete by means of embedded cooling pipes - Part I: Laboratory tests of heat transfer coefficients Author(s): H. Hedlund, P. Groth |
Pages: 329 - 334 |
Benchmarking PFA grouts for magnesium sulfate exposures Author(s): M. J. McCarthy, R. K. Dhir, M.R. Jones |
Pages: 335 - 342 |
Effect of the polypropylene fibre reinforced mortars on the steel reinforcement corrosion induced by carbonation Author(s): M. A. Sanjuan, C. Andrade, A. Bentur |
Pages: 343 - 349 |
A penetration test to study the mechanical response of mortar in ancient masonry buildings Author(s): R Felicetti, N. Gattesco |
Pages: 350 - 356 |
The Second International Symposium on Durability of Building Sealants Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 357 - 358 |
The Interntational Symposium on Structural Saftey and Reliability Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 359 - 359 |