Materials and Structures 211 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 31 , N° 211 Année: 1998 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 434 - 434 |
Factors controlling cracking of concrete affected by reinforcement corrosion Author(s): C. Alonso, C. Andrade, J. Rodriguez, J.M. Diez |
Pages: 435 - 441 |
Cracking in concrete structures due to imposed strains with regard to design of reinforcement Author(s): S. Thelandersson, J. Alemo, A. Nagy |
Pages: 442 - 450 |
Crack propagation in concrete subjected to flexural-cyclic loading Author(s): A. Toumi, A. Bascoul, A. Turatsinze |
Pages: 451 - 458 |
Protection provided by surface treatments against chloride induced corrosion Author(s): L. Basheer, D.J. Cleland, A.E. Long |
Pages: 459 - 464 |
Experimental studies on low-rise structural walls Author(s): Y.L. Mo, Y. Kuo |
Pages: 465 - 472 |
A comparative study on the approximate analysis of masonry structures Author(s): J.S. Lee, G.N. Pande, B. Kralj |
Pages: 473 - 479 |
Effects of carbonaceous particles and heavy metals on mortar-S02 reactions Author(s): G. Zappia, C. Sabbioni, G. Gobbi |
Pages: 480 - 486 |
Triaxial creep behaviour of plain concrete at high stresses: a survey of theoretical models Author(s): E. Papa, A. Taliercio, E. Gobbi |
Pages: 487 - 493 |
Fresh concrete: a Herschel-Bulkley material Author(s): F. de Larrard, C.F. Ferraris, T. Sedran |
Pages: 494 - 498 |
Fourth International Symposium on Roofing Technology Author(s): W. Rossiter |
Pages: 499 - 502 |
Mr. Dale Bentz - Robert L'Hermite Medallist for 1998 Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 502 - 502 |