Materials and Structures 212 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 31 , N° 212 Année: 1998 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 506 - 506 |
TC 107-CSP: CREEP AND SHRINKAGE PREDICTION MODELS: PRINCIPLES OF THEIR FORMATION - Recommendation: Measurement of time-dependent strains of concrete Author(s): RILEM TC 107-CSP |
Pages: 507 - 512 |
Determination of the moisture storage characteristics of porous capillary active materials Author(s): M. Krus, K. Kiessl |
Pages: 522 - 529 |
Ductility requirements for redistribution of moments in reinforced concrete elements and a possible size effect Author(s): A. Pisanty, P. E. Regan |
Pages: 530 - 535 |
Details of reinforcement of autoclaved aerated concrete lintels for shear and anchorage Author(s): K. Kuenen, M. Boutros |
Pages: 536 - 542 |
Reinforcement of cementitious matrices by warp knitted fabrics Author(s): A. Peled, A. Bentur |
Pages: 543 - 550 |
Low temperature stress growth and relaxation in crack sealing materials Author(s): L. Zanzotto, J. Stastna |
Pages: 551 - 554 |
Effect of initial creep conditions and temporary unloading on the long-term response of stones Author(s): S. Sorace |
Pages: 555 - 562 |
Self-sealing, autogenous healing and continued hydration: What is the difference? Author(s): N. Hearn |
Pages: 563 - 567 |
A water sorptivity test for mortar and concrete Author(s): B.B. Sabir, S. Wild, M. O'Farrell |
Pages: 568 - 574 |
2nd International RILEM Conference on the Interfacial Transition Zone in Cementitious Composites Author(s): A. Bentur |
Pages: 575 - 576 |