Materials and Structures 213 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 31 , N° 213 Année: 1998 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Brusin |
Pages: 578 - 578 |
Détermination dynamique par centrifugation des paramètres du transfert isotherme d'humidité dans un matériau poreux proche de la saturation Author(s): N. Aouaïssua-Abdal, G. Bastian |
Pages: 579 - 587 |
Etude expérimentale du couplage hydro-chimique dans les bétons en cours de maturation : incidence sur les retraits Author(s): A. Khelidj, A. Loukili, G. Bastian |
Pages: 588 - 594 |
Fracture and shear properties of concrete construction joints from core samples Author(s): A. D. Jefferson, N. R. Mills |
Pages: 595 - 601 |
A coupling model of reinforced concrete fracture Author(s): J. S. Kuang, Y. H. Wang |
Pages: 602 - 608 |
Structural behavior of reinforced concrete frame-wall components Author(s): Y.L. Mo, C.J. Kuo |
Pages: 609 - 615 |
Design of high performance concrete corbels Author(s): M. Saafi, H. Toutanji |
Pages: 616 - 622 |
The ancient Kamirian water storage tank: a proof of concrete technology and durability for three millenniums Author(s): M. Koui, Ch. Ftikos |
Pages: 623 - 627 |
Behaviour of ferrocement confined reinforced concrete (FCRC) under axial compression Author(s): D.R. Seshu, A.K. Rao |
Pages: 628 - 633 |
Bond stress system of composite concrete-timber beams Author(s): R. Capozucca |
Pages: 634 - 640 |
Testing the durability of wood Author(s): M.-L. Edlund, T. Nilsson |
Pages: 641 - 647 |