Materials and Structures 214 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 31 , N° 214 Année: 1998 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 650 - 650 |
On strength of porous material - simple systems and densified systems Author(s): L. F. Nielsen |
Pages: 651 - 661 |
Modeling and empirical formulas for chemical corrosion and stress corrosion of cementitious materials Author(s): U. Schneider, S. Chen |
Pages: 662 - 668 |
New test method to evaluate the impact behaviour of biaxially confined concrete Author(s): K. Rieder, S. Mindess |
Pages: 669 - 675 |
Shake table tests on prestressed concrete frames Author(s): Y. L. Mo, W. L. Hwang |
Pages: 676 - 682 |
Experimental study of fracture of lightly reinforced concrete beams Author(s): G. Ruiz, J. Planas, M. Elices |
Pages: 683 - 691 |
Un indice d'endommagement local pour l'évaluation de murs en maçonnerie confinée sous chargement latéral cyclique Author(s): M. Lafuente, M. Cruz, C. Genatios |
Pages: 692 - 698 |
Lagoon PFA: Feasibility for use as a binder in concrete Author(s): M. Mc Carthy, P. Tittle, R.K. Dhir |
Pages: 699 - 706 |
Bond of reinforcement in eccentric pullout silica fume concrete specimens Author(s): B. Hamad, S. Sabbah |
Pages: 707 - 713 |
Time-dependent behaviour of a widened reinforced concrete under-bridge Author(s): M. Hosseini, A. D. Jefferson |
Pages: 714 - 719 |
Sixth international symposium on ferrocement, lambot symposium Author(s): A. Naaman |
Pages: 720 - 720 |