Materials and Structures 221 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 32 , N° 221 Année: 1999 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Brusin |
Pages: 478 - 478 |
Fluidity of cement pastes with mineral admixtures and superplasticizer - A study on the Marsh cone test Author(s): L. Agulló, B. Toralles-Carbonari, R. Gettu, A. Aguado |
Pages: 479 - 485 |
FE-Modelling of cover splitting due to corrosion by use of inner softening band Author(s): K. Noghabai |
Pages: 486 - 491 |
Influence de la présence des ions chlorures sur les propriétés à l'équilibre de différents mortiers Author(s): S. Bonnet, B. Perrin |
Pages: 492 - 499 |
Influence of mix proportions and curing conditions on tensile splitting strength of high strength concretes Author(s): K. Kovler, I. Schamban, S. Igarashi, A. Bentur |
Pages: 500 - 505 |
Influence of maturity on creep of high performance concrete with sealed curing Author(s): B. Persson |
Pages: 506 - 519 |
A new model for predicting crack width with different percentages of reinforcement and concrete strength classes Author(s): G. Creazza, S. Russo |
Pages: 520 - 524 |
Vieillissement accéléré de blocs de tuffeau en laboratoire sous l'effet de cycles d'imbibition-séchage Author(s): G. Chéné, G. Bastian, C. Brunjail, J. P. Laurent |
Pages: 525 - 532 |
Strength and durability of lightweight concrete in hot marine exposure conditions Author(s): N. Haque, H. Al-Khaiat |
Pages: 533 - 538 |
Comportement mécanique non linéaire du bloc de terre comprimée par couplage elasticité endommagement Author(s): A. Hakimi, O. Fassi-Fehri, H. Bouabid, S. Charif D'Ouazzane, M. El Kortbi |
Pages: 539 - 545 |
Technological characteristics of the calcined limestone from Agios Panteleimonas, Macedonia, Greece Author(s): N. Kantiranis, A. Tsirambides, A. Filippidis, B. Christaras |
Pages: 546 - 551 |