Materials and Structures 222 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 32 , N° 222 Année: 1999 |
Editorial Author(s): S. Mindess |
Pages: 554 - 554 |
Diffusion in partially-saturated porous materials Author(s): N. S. Martys |
Pages: 555 - 562 |
Impact resistance of fiber reinforced wet-mix shotcrete-Part 1: Beam tests Author(s): N. Banthia, P. Gupta, C. Yan |
Pages: 563 - 570 |
British standard and RILEM water absorption tests: a critical evaluation Author(s): M. A. Wilson, M. A. Carter, W. D. Hoff |
Pages: 571 - 578 |
A simplified design approach to corbels made with high strength concrete Author(s): F. A. N. Al-Shawi, P. S. Mangat, W. Halabi |
Pages: 579 - 583 |
Caractérisation visuelle de l'altération d'échantillons carottés de pierres, vieillis en simulation dynamique aux brouillards salins Author(s): J.-M. Birginie, F. Auger |
Pages: 584 - 592 |
Rheology and bonding characteristics of self-leveling concrete as a repair material Author(s): P. Lacombe, D. Beaupré, N. Pouliot |
Pages: 593 - 600 |
Caractérisation des performances d'un béton renforcé de fibres à partir d'un essai de flexion - Partie 2 : Identification d'une loi de comportement intrinsèque en traction Author(s): G. Chanvillard |
Pages: 601 - 605 |
Wet deposition studies of hydraulic mortars Author(s): S. Martinez-Ramirez, G. E. Thompson |
Pages: 606 - 610 |
An isotropic damage model for concrete Author(s): H. O. Köksal, C. Karakoç |
Pages: 611 - 617 |
About the measurement of the air content in mortar Author(s): P. Lawrence, E. Ringot, B. Husson |
Pages: 618 - 621 |
Third International RILEM Workshop on High Performance Fiber-reinforced Cement Composites: HPFRCC3 Author(s): H. W. Reinhardt |
Pages: 622 - 696 |