Materials and Structures 224 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 32 , N° 224 Année: 1999 |
Editorial Author(s): F. H. Wittmann |
Pages: 698 - 698 |
Environmental design method in materials and structural engineering - Progress Report of RILEM TC 172-EDM/CIB TG 22 Author(s): RILEM TC 172-EDM/CIB TG 22 |
Pages: 699 - 707 |
Comportement en flexion de poutres en béton de hautes performances munies d'armatures de hautes performances - Etude expérimentale et numérique Author(s): M. Lorrain, O. Maurel, S. Boukari, M. Pinto-Barbosa |
Pages: 708 - 718 |
Thermo-mechanical properties of Penly reactor envelope at temperatures up to 200°C Author(s): I. Janotka, T. Nürbergerova |
Pages: 719 - 726 |
Microstructural characteristics of HPC under different thermo-mechanical and thermo-hydraulic conditions Author(s): X. J. Li, Z. J. Li, M. Onofrei, G. Ballivy, K. H. Khayat |
Pages: 727 - 733 |
Statistical analysis of confined high strength concrete Author(s): A. J. Kappos, D. Konstantinidis |
Pages: 734 - 748 |
Characterisation of the gas transport properties of porous materials by determining the radon diffusion coefficient Author(s): T. Klink, K. Gaber, E. Schlattner, M. J. Setzer |
Pages: 749 - 754 |
Reliability of timber structures under long term loads Author(s): S. Svensson, S. Thelandersson, H. J. Larsen |
Pages: 755 - 760 |
Bond mechanism of FRP rebars to concrete Author(s): A. Katz |
Pages: 761 - 768 |