Materials and Structures 228 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 33 , N° 228 Année: 2000 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Brusin |
Pages: 218 - 218 |
Recommendations of TC 129-MHT: Test methods for mechanical properties of concrete at high temperatures,
Part 4: Tensile Strength for service and accident conditions Author(s): RILEM TC 129-MHT |
Pages: 224 - 228 |
Recommendations of TC 129-MHT: Test methods for mechanical properties of concrete at high temperatures,
Part 9: Shrinkage for service and accident conditions Author(s): RILEM TC 129-MHT |
Pages: 219 - 223 |
Characteristics and durability test of magnesium phosphate cement-based material for rapid repair of concrete Author(s): Q. Yang, B. Zhu, X. Wu |
Pages: 229 - 234 |
The effect of shale in quartzite aggregate on the creep and shrinkage of concrete - A comparison with RILEM Model B3 Author(s): Y. Ballim |
Pages: 235 - 242 |
Influence of composition and curing on drying shrinkage of aerated concrete Author(s): K. Ramamurthy, N. Narayanan |
Pages: 243 - 250 |
The effect of heavy persistent actions into the behaviour of ancient masonry Author(s): A. Anzani, L. Binda, G. Mirabella-Roberti |
Pages: 251 - 261 |
Evaluation of technical performance of concrete vegetable oil based release agents Author(s): J. de Brito, R. dos Santos, F. A. Branco |
Pages: 262 - 269 |
Roofs membranes - the Swedish practice in light of EOTA TB 97/24/9.3.1 PT3 Durability Author(s): F. Björk, F. Gränne |
Pages: 270 - 277 |
The Third International Symposium on Durability of Building and Construction Sealants (2000-DBCS) Author(s): A. Wolf |
Pages: 278 - 280 |